
The five-day training for Lesvos volunteers

UPDATE 2021: Thank a lot for using this training. Before the pandemic, you were about 83 new people per months subscribing to this training. As we recently founded the NGO Humanitarian Designers, we transferred this training to its new and final location: Find the direct link to the training here!
To thank you for your trust, we even updated the content to fit 2021’s context 🙂 So if your NGO sent you to this page, please tell them to update their link 😉

Welcome to the five-day training for people planning to volunteer in Greece and more specifically on the island of Lesvos.

By subscribing to the mailing list bellow, you will receive one mail per day during five days. The topics were chosen thoroughly after spending two years on the island and realising some lack of information within the volunteers communities therefore each mail will be covering one specific topic:

  • Humanitarian aid: history
  • Humanitarian aid: principles
  • Do No Harm approach, Code of conduct & Well-being
  • History of Greece
  • Context of Lesvos
  • Extra: conclusion and quiz

I wish you a good training and hope this will help you during your time in Greece.

1 - Condensed information​

The information is condensed for you to learn as much as possible in a limited period of time.
Reading the plain text should take you less than 3 minutes per mail. It’s only 15 minutes for a total of 5 training mails.


2 - Time to develop

It took a lot of research to build this training and specifically to find good objective articles and videos.
There are 50 links available throughout this training to be sure you can develop your understanding of any presented topic.

3 - A full doc about the actors of Lesvos

You will also find an essay called “The balance of Lesvos” about all the actors of Lesvos and their interactions between each others. It’s a 60 pages documents that took months to develop, write and rewrite:, it is structured in the following way:
– One slide describing an actor.
– One case study, generally an article, talking about this actor.
Because I am so happy this document finally came out, here is a direct link for the curious ones. Also if you like graffiti, you will be served.

4 - NGOs, it can be implemented
to your training!

As a coordinator feel free to implement this training to your onboarding process. If you want to have a proof that volunteers read the training, there is a quiz at the end of the training which provides a mark. This mark is then sent by email to the participant on a pdf format. As a coordinator of an NGO, you could easily ask the volunteer to forward you this pdf.

Tips: you could even tell participants to directly write your email on the quiz. You could then create a folder and a filter on your mailbox to have all these emails automatically well organised. You might want to insist that the mark is not influencing their participation as a volunteer.

This training doesn’t cover everything and should not be an argument for you to not create and update good content for your volunteers.

5 - Free and independent

This document is made during my time off and free of charge. The use of Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 makes it easy to copy, redistribute, transform, and build upon for any purpose.
Contact me if you have any idea, comment, update to make.

6 - Not only Lesvos!

Map Lesvos

This training focuses on Lesvos as I lived two years on the island which makes it my main expertise. But the training, after consideration, is talking only a little about Lesvos: most of the knowledge is applicable to Greece. So if you’re volunteering in Greece but not on Lesvos, do not feel shy and join the training!

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